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Tag: sodium nitrites



Botulism is one of the deadliest forms of food poisoning that every charcutier must be acutely aware. The chances of contracting botulism are rare, but the effects can be fatal. Botulism spores can produce a deadly toxin that is not detectable by color or smell, but can be easily prevented by using proper technique and curing agents.

Nitrates and Nitrites

Nitrates and Nitrites

Sodium Nitrates and Nitrites are used in the curing and preserving of meat. Most commonly you’ll find them in bacon, sausages, and hot dogs. It has long been known that salt acts a preservative for meat, killing off certain bacteria as it reduces moisture in meat, thus making it harder for bacteria to grow. A natural form of sodium nitrate, saltpeter, was used (it is still used used today, but not as often) to preserve meat as early as Homer’s…

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