

Knackwurst, or knockwurst, is a German sausage that derives it’s name from the German word knacken, which means “to crack”, and wurst, which means “sausage.” The knack in knackwurst refers to the cracking or snapping sound the sausage makes when you bite into the crispy skin. Knackwurst is very simililar to an american hot dog, but usually contains a fair amount of fresh garlic. Knackwurst is a fresh sausage that is hot-smoked. Most recipes call for the combination of pork and…

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Botulism is one of the deadliest forms of food poisoning that every charcutier must be acutely aware. The chances of contracting botulism are rare, but the effects can be fatal. Botulism spores can produce a deadly toxin that is not detectable by color or smell, but can be easily prevented by using proper technique and curing agents.

Makin’ Bacon – Round 1

Makin’ Bacon – Round 1

Making your own bacon can seem intimidating, but I assure you that you don’t need any professional skills to produce authentic, smokey bacon. I must warn you though- once you do this, there’s no going back. Store bought bacon will pale in comparison to the hearty strips of awesome that is your homemade bacon; you’ll yearn for that smokey aroma to fill your kitchen again. The satisfaction you once derived from tossing pre-packaged pig strips into your grocery cart will…

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